Partiture $28.34
Music Minus One - Boots Randolph. When the Spirit Moves You. Sheet Music, CD. Trumpet. TPT.
Glasba Minus One - Boots Randolph. Ko Duh vas Moves. Sheet Music, CD. Trobenta. TPT.
Boots Randolph, tenor sax legend, here performs some of the greatest songs in Gospel Music for our enjoyment and finally so you can perform them at-home on tenor saxophone, alto saxophone, and trumpet. Boots, who's been before the public for over 50 years, is a consummate player with a reputation as Nashville's finest tenor saxophonist. Listen to him perform these songs, and then try them yourself, with the music book that is included with every Minus One Album. Includes a newly engraved, high-quality printed solo part for both E-flat and B-flat instruments. and a CD containing digital stereo complete versions of each tune and another version of the accompaniment minus the soloist.
Boots Randolph, tenor saksofon legenda, tu opravlja nekatere izmed največjih pesmi v Gospel Glasba za naše veselje in na koncu, tako da jih je mogoče opravljati na domu na tenor saksofon, alt saksofon in trobento. Škornji, ki je bila pred javnost že več kot 50 let, je Vzoren igralec, ki ima ugled kot Nashville je najboljši tenor saksofonist. Prisluhnite mu opravljanje te pesmi, in jim nato poskusite sami, z glasbeno knjigo, ki je priložena vsaki Minus One Album. Includes a newly engraved, high-quality printed solo part for both E-flat and B-flat instruments. in CD, ki vsebuje digitalni stereo popolne različice vsake melodijo in drugo različico spremljavo minus solista.