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When I Get Where I'm Goin' by Brad Paisley. - Digital Sheet Music.


Ko dobim Kam grem Brad Paisley. - Digital Sheet Music.


Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. C4-Bb5. MN0052053_U5. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. When I Get Where I'm Goin'. Brad Paisley. F Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 5. 5 based on 2 customer reviews. "I bought this music sheet to learn the words and chords for my cousin that was terminally. continued. see all reviews. When I get where I'm goin', on the far side of the sky, the first thing that I'm gonna do is spread my wings and fly. C Major. Geoff Moore. Song. Moderately fast. h 84. Country. Pop. Contemporary Country. Rivers Rutherford. George Teren. 2005. Universal Music Publishing Ltd.. When I Get Where I'm Going. Brad Paisley - Time Well Wasted. View All.


Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Glas, razpon. C4-BB5. MN0052053_U5. Vsebuje popolne lyrics. Združljivi. Ko dobim Kam grem. Brad Paisley. F Major. Musicnotes kaj je to. Musicnotes datoteke. Takoj printable digitalni notno plus PC-združljiv interaktivni prenesete notno datotek. Ocenjeno 5. 5 na podlagi 2 mnenj kupcev. "Kupil sem ta glasbeni list za učenje besed in akordov za mojega bratranca, ki je bil neozdravljivo. nadaljuje. Oglejte si vse preglede. Ko sem dobil, ko sem šel na oni strani neba, je prva stvar, ki jo bom naredil širijo svoje krila in leteti. C Major. Geoff Moore. Song. Zmerno hitro. h 84. Država. Pop. Sodobna Država. Rivers Rutherford. George Teren. 2005. Universal Music Publishing Ltd. Ko pridem kam grem. Brad Paisley - Čas No Wasted. Poglej vse.
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