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Now and Then There's. A Fool Such As I by Elvis Presley. - Digital Sheet Music.


Zdaj in potem je tukaj. Fool Tako kot sem Elvis Presley. - Digital Sheet Music.


Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. C4-E5. C Instrument. MN0148084. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Now and Then There's. A Fool Such As I. Elvis Presley. C Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Pardon me, if I'm sentimental, when we say goodbye. Song. Moderately slow, with expression. q 128. R&B. Pop Rock. Traditional Pop. Rock & Roll. Vocal Pop. Bill Trader. 1952. Universal Music Publishing Group. Early Rock'N'Roll Era Fake Book. View All.


Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Pesem. Glas, razpon. C4-E5. C Instrument. MN0148084. Vsebuje popolne lyrics. Združljivi. Zdaj in potem je tukaj. Fool Tako kot jaz. Elvis Presley. C Major. Musicnotes kaj je to. Musicnotes datoteke. Takoj printable digitalni notno plus PC-združljiv interaktivni prenesete notno datotek. Oprostite mi, če sem sentimentalen, ko rečemo zbogom. Song. Zmerno počasi, z izrazom. q 128. R. Pop Rock. Tradicionalna Pop. Rock. Vocal Pop. Bill Trader. 1952. Universal Music Publishing Group. Zgodnje rock'n'roll Era Fake Book. Poglej vse.
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