Prevod: V Okefenokee - Indijanci imenovano velikan močvirje Okefenokee "Land of the Earth trepetom. Piano Solo note. Vmesna. Za klavir solo.
Prevod: Spirit. Vse Ends of the Earth. Iskal sem The Lord. V Ends of the Earth. Vse Ends of the Earth. Voice note.
Prevod: H koncu sveta. Flavta, klarinet in TAM-TAM Deli. Sheet Music. Flavta. Klarinet. Tolkala. FLT. CLT. PERC.
Prevod: H koncu sveta. SSATTBB Choir, Flute, Clarinet and Tam-Tam. Sheet Music. SATB. Flavta. Klarinet. Tolkala. SATB. FLT.
Prevod: Zbiranje. New Age. SMP Raven 7. New Age. 9x12 cm. Behind The Slap. Dark Horse. Free Fall. David Lanz.
Prevod: Golden Age of Country Music. Golden Age of Country Music z različnimi. End of the World. The Statler Brothers.
Prevod: Trgovina. Kako si ti fall'n. Fall'n je sovražnik. Domov The romarsko. Večjih zborovskih del Vokalna Scores. Voice note.