Prevod: Nikoli ni bilo Day Like This. Nikoli ni Day Like To sestavljajo Joel Evans. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Napredno.
Prevod: Nominiran za najboljši klavirski album 2011, ki ga prišepetavanju Piano Radio. - David Nevue, prišepetavanju Solo Piano Radio.
Prevod: Država. I Feel Like Potujete na. Sem Home Beyond the River. Over the Sunset Mountains. Last Mile Of The Way.
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Prevod: Moon. Carl Orff. Moon. Majhen svet gledališča po pravljici o brata Grimm. V sestavi Carl Orff. 1895-1982. Ta izdaja. ED 9541. Trda vezava.
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Prevod: Danski Radio Big Band. Danski Radio Big Band. this is the culmination of thirteen years.
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Prevod: Kitara Artistry Pat Donohue. Fingerpicking Guitar note. Kitara Artistry Pat Donohue. Blues držav, krpe, swing jazz in Original Tunes.