Prevod: 300 dren Tunes. Charlie Mack je Jig. Fred Wilson cokel. Various. Gosli note. Violina note. Vmesna.
Prevod: New Imperial Edition. ARR.WILSON. Bariton Voice note. New Imperial Edition. Spremstvo CD-bariton Songs. Z različnimi. Za vokalni.
Prevod: 1960 - Desetletje, ki jih desetletja. Sunshine of Your Love. Sweet Soul Music. Ali ni treba reči You Love Me.
Prevod: Bariton Songs. Plague of Love. Youth and Love. Youth and Love. ARR.WILSON. Various. Bariton Voice note.
Prevod: Jackie Wilson. Kako globoka je Your Love. Sunshine of Your Love. Sweet Child O 'Mine. Ray Charles.
Prevod: Greatest Love of All. Sweet Child O 'Mine. Greatest Love Of All. Sweet Child O 'Mine. Dan Coates. Voice note.
Prevod: Antologija umetnih pesmi, ki jih črnih ameriških skladateljev. Sweet Sorrow. Olly Wilson. Sweet Sorrow. Wilson.
Prevod: Hvalnice Re-Harmonizirani - Spominov Edition. Moj Jezus, I Love Thee. I Love povedati zgodbo. Charles Gabriel.
Prevod: Mammoth Collection Ryan je za violino Tunes. Love-povezave "Jig. Irec Love Roll. Sweet Ellen, Aka osmice.
Prevod: Phillips Collection of Traditional ameriški dren Tunes Vol 1. Sweet Bundy. Ace Of Spades, alias Billy Wilson. Stacy Phillips.
Prevod: V Seaforth Highlanders. Prisluhni My Love. Preko vodo, da Charlie. Sweet Maid Of Glendaruel. Various. Dude note.
Prevod: Scots Guards - Zvezek 1. Charlie Dobrodošli. Prisluhni My Love. Sweet Maid Of Glendaruel. Various. Dude note.