Behold, the Lamb of God Who takes away our sin Behold the Lamb of God The life and light of men Behold the Lamb of God Who died and rose again Behold
Prevod: Peterson, Andrew. Evo Lamb Of God.
Gather round ye children come, Listen to the old old story Of the power of death undone By an infant born of glory Son of God, Son of Man
It came to pass back in those days that Caesar, he decreed A census would be taken of the Roman world, you see So everyone packed up and headed back
dwell in our own land Deliver us, deliver us Oh Yahweh, hear our cry And gather us beneath your wings tonight Our sins they are more numerous than all the lambs
It was not a silent night There was blood on the ground You could hear a woman cry In the alleyways that night On the streets of David's town And the
Abraham had Isaac Isaac, he had Jacob Jacob, he had Judah and his kin Then Perez and Zerah Came from Judah's woman, Tamar Perez, he brought Hezron up
death of the firstborn son But the Lord, he gave to Moses a word for the people He said their firstborn sons could live to see another day "Put the blood of a lamb
First king of Israel You were foolish and strong So you didn't last long Goodbye, Saul Hail, King David Shepherd from Bethlehem Set the temple of God
Christ is born Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Christ is born "All glory be to God on high And to the earth be peace Good will henceforth from God