shall be mine So rise my spirits rise Revel in this dead man's body Grip his soul, sip the blood Life in death A holy carnage Ravenous I will be a
I am hunting for your soul It dwells within your heart I lacerate the pounding flesh Your spirits shall be mine So rise my spirit rise! Revel in this
Prevod: Arch Enemy. Grabljiv.
: [Music: Michael Amott/Christopher Amott] [Lyrics: Angela Gossow/Michael Amott] I am hunting for your soul It dwells within your heart I lacerate the
: I am hunting for your soul It dwells within your heart I lacerate the pounding flesh Your spirits shall be mine So rise my spirit rise! Revel in this
[Music: Michael Amott/Christopher Amott] [Lyrics: Angela Gossow/Michael Amott] I am hunting for your soul It dwells within your heart I lacerate the
Your spirits shall be mine So rise my spirit rise! Revel in this dead mans' body Grip his soul, sip the blood Life is death A holy carnage Ravenous
left alive The raven and its staring eyes Taste the blood Hear their cries Horrifying genocide We lost our paradise Through the eyes of the raven See
witness left alive The raven and its staring eyes Taste the blood Hear their cries Horrifying genocide We lost our paradise Through the eyes of the raven