White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! (White Lines) Vision dreams of passion (Going through my mind) And all the
Duran Duran * White Lines Fable, FM label...fable, FM label...fable, FM label...fable, FM label Rang-dang-diggidy-dang-a-dang Rang-dang-diggidy-dang
Free rock, free rock, free rock, free rock Ah, ah, ah, ah White ooo white, white ooo white, white ooo white, white ooo (White lines) Vision dreams of
Prevod: Counting Crows. White Lines S Duran Duran.
Prevod: Duran Duran. Lines White.
: Free rock, free rock, free rock, free rock Ah, ah, ah, ah White ooo white, white ooo white, white ooo white, white ooo (White lines) Vision dreams