Prevod: Nick Granato. Tukaj Down In The otoki.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Barefoot.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Atmosphere.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Hurricane Town.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Lights Of St Thomas.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Margarita Meltdown.
Prevod: Nick Granato. On The Horizon.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Once Upon A Paradise.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Plastični Pink Flamingos.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Ne Worship.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Survive.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Tropical Filozofija.
Prevod: Nick Granato. Večer.
Mulaaaa Babyyyyy! [Nicki Minaj:] Murder Dem, Murder Dem, Just 1 Word Body A 3rd Of Dem. I Kick Kick Game Can't Injure Nicki, That's Why They Nick Nicknamed
I'm waking up, you're going to sleep And I wonder, are you thinking of me? I'm getting ready for another day without you And you're just starting to dream
Nicki Minaj:] Murder dem Murder Dem Just 1 word Body A 3rd Of them' Kick Kick Game Can't injure Nicki, That's Why they nick nick named me Ninja Nicki,
Prevod: Nicki Minaj. Več kot Kite.
I'm waking up you're going to sleep And I wonder are you thinking of me I'm getting ready for another day without you And your just starting to dream