und es geht mir so nah' und ich hab' Angst um dich. Mach jetzt das Licht nicht an manchmal weint auch ein Mann - morgen früh wirst du geh'n morgen
Prevod: Howard Carpendale. Pozdravljam jutro z D.
Put it off until tomorrow oh oh you've hurt me enough today You say our love is over that you have found another You say you're going away but leave me
Tomorrow is, tomorrow is now You think the past is behind you But baby, what's that on your back? It looks to me like you're draggin' it around Like
Tomorrow is... tomorrow is now You think the past is behind you But baby what's that on your back It looks to me like you're draggin' it around like
Prevod: Howard Jones. Jutri je zdaj.
Prevod: Jan Howard. Daj Off Do jutri.
: Tomorrow is... tomorrow is now You think the past is behind you But baby what's that on your back It looks to me like you're draggin' it around like
I know there?s things you want to know and things you want to say and many times your fortune rhymes have led your heart astray beneath a moon whose