Everyday with You, Lord is sweeter than the day before Every morning I will worship, every evening I'll adore 'Cause everyday with You is sweeter, sweeter
Everyday with you Lord Is sweeter than the day before Everyday with you Lord Sweeter than the day before Every morning I will worship Every evening
[Verse:] Who am I, that You are mindful of me, that You hear me when I call? Isn't it true that You are thinking of me, how You love me, it's amazing
[Chorus:] Glory to God in the highest. Glory to God in the highest praise. You are the Lord, God Almighty, You are highly exalted over all the earth. [
Everything, everything Lord, You are everything to me Everything, everything Lord, You are everything to me Sing it again Everything, everything Lord
Prevod: Lakewood Cerkev. All About You.
Prevod: Lakewood Cerkev. Govorimo Za narodov.
: Everyday with you Lord Is sweeter than the day before Everyday with you Lord Sweeter than the day before Every morning I will worship Every evening
Everyday with You, Lord is sweeter than the day before Every morning I will worship, every evening I'll adore 'Cause everyday with You is sweeter,