Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the
Prevod: Blow soundtrack. Zaslepljeni z Light [Earth Band Manfred Mann sporočil].
Prevod: Manfred Mann. Zaslepljeni z Light.
Prevod: Earth Manfred Mann je Band. Zaslepljeni z Light.
Prevod: Earth Manfred Mann je Band. Zaslepljeni z Light (Bruce Springsteen).
Prevod: Running Z Soundtrack Škarje. Earth Manfred Mann je Band - zaslepljeni z Light.
Blinded by the light revved up like a deuce Another runner in the night Blinded by the light revved up like a deuce Another runner in the night Blinded
Blinded by the light Revved up like a deuce, Another runner in the night Blinded by the light Revved up like a deuce, Another runner in the night Blinded