The way clouds drift on a warm summer afternoon House is burning, she is so cold Hands of steel, they're hands of gold Rising from a pyramid To take
S-o-f-t p-y-r-a-m-i-d-s e-v-a-p-o-r-a-t-e at daylight. In-ter-na-tionally fa-shioned, like d-i-sease. Pat-terns a-l-w-a-y-s yes, maybe no. This soft is
ready, they will change our destiny The sentence will be so hard, humanity will die Flying pyramids, there are millions in the sky Flying pyramids,
You can't tell from the look because they close your eyes And whisper sweet melodies I can't stay locked inside all day When will I leave my pyramid
Soft pyramids evaporate at daylight. Internationally fashioned, like disease. Patterned always yes, (maybe no). This soft is bulding the softest buildings
Three neon pyramids above the door The sign says closed it depends who for On the tables in the their brown suede shoes While the band plays the rhythm
COSMIC PROPORTION AND GREAT CREATION BETWEEN PYRAMIDS AND STARGATES PYRAMIDS AND STARGATES Ruins and manuscripts Rewrite old theories Saurid's 4th dynasty Numbers, new science, myth? PYRAMIDS
Prevod: Turilli, Luca. Piramide in Stargates.
: Soft pyramids evaporate at daylight. Internationally fashioned, like disease. Patterned always yes, (maybe no). This soft is bulding the softest buildings
"Hands off, copper, hands off, copper!" [Chuck D] "Some people never know" [D.O.P.] You didn't think you saw a puddy cat What you saw was a black duck
A King, a King, what does it mean to me to be a King and bring, knowledge to the people as I rap and sing Having full control over eve-rything (Yo that
[Amen-Ra] Here we come, here we come, we're two kings The cipher's complete, spiced up with a smooth beat A guaranteed hit, sure to get us paid The cut
keep on going Forever we will stay Like a pyramid Like a pyramid, like a pyramid, hey Like a pyramid, like a pyramid, hey Like a pyramid, like a pyramid
I jumped in the river and what did I see? Black-eyed angels swam with me A moon full of stars and astral cars And all the figures I used to see All my