with Blood on his Mane. We love You Lord Jesus We Lift up our lives and sing, all Praise Honor and Glory to you Christ The King. Oh Praise Him The faithful
Judah with Blood on his Mane. We love You Lord Jesus We Lift up our lives and sing, all Praise Honor and Glory to you Christ The King. Oh Praise Him The
day come Yesterday we were Kings Can you tell me young ones Who are we today [Nas: Verse 1] The black oasis Ancient Africa the sacred Awaken the sleeping giant
just go hard, do the rope-a-dope ollie shuffle And dance around my opponents, do donuts Sometimes I play possom, like I'm asleep, it's awesome I'm like a sleepin' giant
do nothing but passively observe, Passively soak up creativity and say "Wow, that's me!", Passively soak up destruction and say "Oh no, not us, not me
observers. Passive observers do nothing but passively observe, Passively soak up creativity and say "Wow, that's me!", Passively soak up destruction and say "Oh
Sink my teeth in him and fill him, full of poison And make a noise like snake before I kill him And let him know that I just don't feel him And smack him
passive observers. Passive observers do nothing but passively observe, Passively soak up creativity and say "Wow, that's me!", Passively soak up destruction and say "Oh