Prevod: Closer You Get. Voice note. Kitara note. Klavir note. Za klavir, glas in kitaro. Akordi samo. Država. Ljubezen.
Prevod: Mark Gray, James P. Pennington. Legacy. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem.
Prevod: The closer you get, the further I fall. Mark Gray, James P. Pennington. Angleščina. Solero. Načrt. Vocal.
Prevod: Best of Alabama. Best of Alabama. Closer You Get. Song Of The South. Elektronske klaviature note.
Prevod: Dobro ol 'Songs. Made You Me Love You. Alabama Jubilee. The Bells of St Mary. I Love You Resnično.
Prevod: Country Music Hall of Fame in muzej - zvezek 8. I Still Believe In You. I Believe In You. Closer You Get.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Alabama Jubilee. The Bells of St Mary. Kako "Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down On The Farm. Various.
Prevod: Alabama z Alabami. 50 Alabama najbolje predstavila s samo akordov in pesmi. Closer You Get.
Prevod: Alabama Anthology z Alabamo. You Gotta Have dren v pasu. Song of the South. Song Of The South.
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Prevod: Fake Book svetovnih najljubših pesmi - C Instrumenti - 4. izdaja. On The G String. Alabama Jubilee. Dance Of The Hour.
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Prevod: Real Dixieland Knjiga. Bluin 'the Blues. Ace In The Hole. Memories Of You. Alabama Jubilee.