Prevod: - Neklasičnih. Bas pesmaric.
Prevod: Ker ste bili Gone. by Aretha Franklin and Luther Vandross. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. Pop.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. Soul. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: If you want my loving, if you really do, don't be afraid, baby, just ask me, you know I'm gonna give it to you. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Ker ste bili Gone. Baby, baby, sweet baby, there's something that I just got to say. - Digital Sheet Music. Načrt.
Prevod: Aretha Franklin se premaknete na več. Zbor note. Chain of Fools, sestavljene iz Don Covay. Uredil Greg Gilpin. Pop Choral.
Prevod: Aretha Franklin se premaknete na več. Zbor note. Chain of Fools, sestavljene iz Don Covay. Uredil Greg Gilpin. SATB zbor.
Prevod: Spoštovanje Sheet Music jih Otis Redding. Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin Louise. Hal Leonard. Angleščina. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Prevod: Aretha Franklin Louise. Rock steady baby that's what I feel now, let's call the song exactly what it is. Angleščina.
Prevod: Spoštovanje Sheet Music jih Otis Redding. Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin Louise. Hal Leonard. Angleščina. 0-89724-992-5. Načrt.
Prevod: Aretha Franklin Louise. Kenn Chipkin. Otis Redding. Hal Leonard. Angleščina. Solero. Guitar Tab. Kaj hočeš, ljubica, imam.
Prevod: R. Baby Ljubezen. Baby Ljubezen. Voice note. R. Pro Vocal žensko Edition zvezek 7. Z različnimi. Za vokalni.
Prevod: Aretha Franklin - 20 Greatest Hits z Aretha Franklin. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Prevod: Noč z Janis Joplin. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Noč z Janis Joplin. Vokalne Selekcije.
Prevod: Noč z Janis Joplin - Vocal Selections.
Prevod: Najboljše Soul Songs Ever. Baby sem za Real. Ko je nekaj narobe z mojimi Baby. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note.
Prevod: Z Aretho Franklin. Baby, Baby, Baby. Klavir note. Smart PianoSoft. Za Disklavier. Pianosoft Sync. Disk.