Prevod: Ultimate Song strani - Božič. Baby Jesus. Vesel Hanukkah, My Friend. A Big Red Christmas Bow.
Prevod: Big Book ljudskih pesmi. Big Book of narodne pesmi sestavljajo Various. Vsak Time I Feel The Spirit. Voice note.
Prevod: Fake Book svetovnih najljubših pesmi - C Instrumenti - 4. izdaja. Baby, ne boš Prosimo Come Home. Be My Little Baby Bumbar.
Prevod: My Funny Friend And Me. Korak In Time. Kdo se boji Big Bad Wolf. Ali Human Animal. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: Friend Of The Devil. Good Times Roll. Various. C Instrument note. Klavir note.
Prevod: Film Fake Book - 4. izdaja. Animal House. Baby Elephant Walk. Friend Like Me. Hands of Time. Gospa Baby.
Prevod: As Time Goes By. Sugar Baby Ljubezen. Old Time Rock. Kdo se boji Big Bad Wolf. Various. Klavir note.