Prevod: 1950. If You Love Me res Love Me. Šminka On Your Collar. Love Me Tender. Oh, Lonesome Me.
Prevod: Sh-Boom. Sh Boom. Šminka On Your Collar. Dan Coates. Easy Piano note. Piano Solo note. Začetek.
Prevod: Lyric knjižnica. On je upornik. Zakaj Fools Fall in Love. Walk On By. Love Me. Stand By Me.
Prevod: Še bolj Songs of 1950. Pes Ziggity Boom. Pes Ziggity Boom. Oh, Lonesome Me. Return To Me. Turn Me Loose.
Prevod: Cry Me a River. Sh-Boom. Elektronske klaviature note. Klavir note. E-Z Igraj Danes zvezek 231. Sestavljajo ga Various.
Prevod: Pesmi 50-ih - Second Edition. Let It Be Me. Sh-Boom. Various. Easy Piano note. Pesmi 50-ih - Second Edition.
Prevod: Great Songs petdesetih let. Pes Ziggity Boom. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Prevod: 1950 - Desetletje, ki jih desetletja. Sh-Boom. Cela Lotta Shakin 'Goin' On. Šminka On Your Collar. Sh-Boom.
Prevod: Bistvene Pesmi - 1950. Teach Me Tonight. Tears On My Pillow. Let Me Be Your. You Belong To Me.
Prevod: 1950. Šminka On Your Collar. Tears On My Pillow. Let Me Be Your. Tonight You Belong To Me. Various. 1950.
Prevod: Desetletje, ki jih Decade 1950. Get Me Cerkvi na čas. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me. Get Me Cerkvi na čas.
Prevod: Začetki za klaviature - Composite B C. Stand By Me. Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E. Ne Cry For Me Argentina. Klavir note.
Prevod: Dokončna Guitar Songbook. Stand By Me. Call Me Breeze. Me And Bobby McGee. You Make Me Feel Like. Various.
Prevod: Več o Easy Fifties Fake Book. Zakaj Fools Fall in Love. Pes Ziggity Boom. Šminka On Your Collar. Various.
Prevod: Baby, What You Want Me To Do. It Hurts Me Too. Rock Me Baby. Shook si me. Hell Hound On My Trail.
Prevod: Pevka je Musical Theatre Anthology - zvezek 5 - tenor. Izkoristite priložnost in on Me. Summer, Highland Falls.
Prevod: Bistvene Pesmi - 1950. Pes Ziggity Boom. Šminka On Your Collar. Love Me Tender. Teach Me Tonight.