Prevod: I Want Candy, ki jih Bananarama, Aaron Carter, Bow Wow Wow, in The Strangeloves. Voice note. Kitara note. Pop.
Prevod: Bert Berns , Jerry Goldstein , Bob Feldman , Richard Gottehrer. Legacy. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem.
Prevod: Instrumenti C. Instrumenti C. One hundred favourite melodies for C instruments including Recorder, Flute, Violin & Oboe. Vsebina. Gounod.
Prevod: All the Tunes You've Ever Wanted to Play Book 2, C Instruments for C instrument. Očka ne bi Buy Me Bow-Wow. Začetek.
Prevod: Aktivirajte. Bow Wow Wow. Oktober. 11. november. Zbor note. Orff Instrument note. Aktivirajte. Oktober. 11. november.
Prevod: Hot gosli. Wow vaše občinstvo s štirimi ducat pro tehnik in tri piskajoč melodije, da jih pokažejo. Gosli note. Violina note.