Prevod: Jazzovskih standardov. I Put a Spell On You. Dream A Little Dream of Me. iz "Damn Yankees". Various.
Prevod: Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Feelin 'preveč Damn Good. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Prevod: Vse, kar delam, je Dream of You. Damn Yankees. I Want It Now. Once Upon a vzmetnice. iz "Damn Yankees".
Prevod: Leto 1990. River of Dreams. Life Is Highway. River Of Dreams. Ukulele note. Leto 1990. Ukulele Desetletje Series.
Prevod: Rocky Horror Picture Show - Piano Programska oprema. I Can Make You A Man. Damn It, Janet. Klavir note.
Prevod: iz "Once Upon A vzmetnice". od "A New Brain". LITTLE BIT v ljubezni, A. Once Upon a Dream. Voice note.
Prevod: Zakladnica zlatih standardov. Dream A Little Dream of Me. Stopil si Out of a Dream. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: LET'S DO IT. iz 'On A Clear Day You Can See Forever ". iz "Damn Yankees". Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
Prevod: 152 najlepših pesmi svetovnih. Vse kar morate storiti je, Dream. Cry Me a River. Dream je Wish Your Heart Makes.