Prevod: Renaissance Anthology - zvezek 3. Stopnje 6-7.
Prevod: Kitara ima 100 Greatest Guitar Solos vseh časov. All Along the Watchtower. Sympathy for the Devil. Man In The Box.
Prevod: Na utrjenih poti - Začetek Drumset Course, Complete. The Blues Brothers. Dead Leaves in Dirty Ground. Bad to the Bone.
Prevod: Na utrjenih poti. Around the World. od "Sex Machine". iz "The War Within". iz "The War Within".
Prevod: Studiu graditelja Handbook. Živeti End Dead End. Studiu graditelja Handbook. Kako izboljšati zvok tvojega Studio za vsak proračun.
Prevod: "Drug One Bites the Dust". Druga One Bites The Dust. Ride The Wild Wind. We Are The Champions.