Prevod: Orff za vsakogar. Dogaja Počitnice. Zbor note. Orff Instrument note. Orff za vsakogar. Počitnice dogaja sestavljene Donne Dirksing.
Prevod: Fake Book svetovnih najljubših pesmi - C Instrumenti - 4. izdaja. On The G String. Alphabet Song. Banana Boat Song.
Prevod: Največjih svetovnih Songbook. Man On The Flying Trapeze. Toreador Song. Želimo vam Merry Christmas.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Pesmi vključujejo vse stvari, ki jih Donna Lee, 'Round Midnight in še veliko več.
Prevod: Over The Rainbow. The Girl From Ipanema. Donna Lee. Cast svojo usodo v The Wind. How High The Moon.
Prevod: Real Mali Best Fake Book Ever - 3rd Edition - C Edition. Birth of the Blues. Joy to the World. Keeper of the Stars.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition. Poudarki song vključuje. Phantom of the Opera. The Sound of Music.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Blues in the Night. Chasing The Bird.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Eb Edition. Delo Song. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Blues in the Night.
Prevod: Ultimate Jazz Fake Book - Bb Edition. Delo Song. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Blues in the Night.
Prevod: Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. Alone At The Drive-In Movie. Ballad Of The Sad mladi moški.
Prevod: Best Fake Book Ever - C Edition - 4. izdaja. Barve Of The Wind. Show Me The Way To Go Home. Keeper Of The Stars.