Prevod: Včasih pozabi. Steve Earle za klavir, glas ali drugih instrumentov.
Prevod: Steve Earle za klavir, glas ali drugih instrumentov.
Prevod: My brother, Jimmy, my other brother, Jack, went off down to Houston and never came back. Angleščina. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Prevod: Korenine Rock Drumming. Bobni note. Tolkala note. Korenine Rock Drumming. Interviews with the Drummers Who Shaped Rock 'n' Roll Music.
Prevod: Nirvana - The Complete Illustrated History ga Nirvana. Knjiga. Trda vezava. 194 strani. Izdala Voyageur Press. HL.122394.
Prevod: Complete Illustrated History. Knjiga.
Prevod: Steve Kaufman štiriurno Celtic Workout. Steve Kaufman štiriurno Celtic Workout. Kitara note. Celtic gosli note. Mandolin note.