Prevod: Basi Loaded - zvezek 3. - "Fat Albert Bass Blues" - v stilu "I Want You So Bad", ki ga BB King - Roscoe Beck Style. Rob Goelz.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. I Just Nisem imel srca, da se poslovite. Last Night I Dreamed Of Heaven.
Prevod: Guitar Style Resource. Electric Guitar note. Solist Over II-V-I napredovanja. Guitar Style Resource. Za kitaro. Knjiga. CD.
Prevod: Jazz od 60-ih. Electric Guitar note. I Loved You Once in Silence. If You Never Come To Me.
Prevod: Dokončna Broadway Collection - 2nd Edition. Electric Guitar note. Kako do You Know. Jaz ne morem začeti Get With You.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. I Love Rock 'n Roll. Just Like A Woman. You Were namenjeno meni. I Stand Alone.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. Don't Forget. I Thank You. It's For You. Just Like Day. Pat Metheny.