Prevod: The melody and words are traditional in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and probably in neighbouring areas of Germany. Cappella.
Prevod: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
Prevod: She said she'd been "wooed" by her husband sixty years ago, when she sold fish and frogs, and he sold hundred-year-old eggs.
Prevod: Not surprisingly, the mood of this song is solemn and funereal.
Prevod: Zbor note. Silent Night sestavljajo Joseph Mohr, prevedla John F. Young, glasbo Franz Graber. Uredil Jay Althouse. Zbor Sacred. Božič. Zima.
Prevod: Obstaja čas. Zbor note. Tam je čas ki ga sestavljajo Charlotte Lee in Douglas E. Wagner. Za zborovsko. Zborovska. 8 strani.
Prevod: First Noel. Pachelbel je Canon. Zbor note. First Noel. Pachelbel je Canon uredil Michael Clawson. Zbor Sacred. SATB zbor. Zborovska octavo.
Prevod: Zbor note. Ave Maria uredil in arr. Patrick M. Liebergen. Zbor Sacred. Za opt. Flavta. SATB zbor. Zborovska octavo. Mojstrovine. Baročna.
Prevod: Blessing. Zbor note. Blessing sestavljajo Jay Althouse. Zbor Sacred. 2-Part zbor. Zborovska octavo. Zborovske modeli. Sacred. 8 strani.
Prevod: Afriška Celebration. Sally K. Albrecht. Zbor note. Afriška Celebration. Betelehemu. Afriška Noel. Siyahamba. Uredil Sally K. Albrecht.
Prevod: First Noel. Pachelbel je Canon. Zbor note. First Noel. Pachelbel je Canon uredil Michael Clawson. Zbor Sacred. Ženski pevski zbor. Božič.
Prevod: Ne pozabite, kdo si. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Remember Who You Are composed by Mark Burrows. Za SATB zbor s klavirjem.
Prevod: Zapomni si mojo pesem. Sally K. Albrecht. Zbor note. Zapomni si mojo pesem, ki jo sestavljajo ga Sally K. Albrecht in Jay Althouse.
Prevod: Just Wanna Be With You. SATB, klavirsko spremljavo. PFA. Adam Watts. Andy Dodd. Če naročanje več kot 10 izvodov, nas pokličite na 44.
Prevod: Just Wanna Be With You. SAB, Piano Accompaniment. PFA. Adam Watts. Andy Dodd. Če naročanje več kot 10 izvodov, nas pokličite na 44.
Prevod: Just Wanna Be With You. Sheet Music. 2-Part Choir, klavirsko spremljavo. PFA. Adam Watts. Andy Dodd.
Prevod: Lahko imate vedno pesem. Zbor note. Lahko imate vedno skladbe skladatelja Sally K. Albrecht in Jay Althouse. Zbor sekularnih. 2-Part zbor.
Prevod: Ko je prišel. Zbor note. Ko je prišel v sestavi Ruth Elaine Schram. Zbor Sacred. 3-Part Mešani pevski zbor. SAB. Zborovska. Sacred.