Prevod: Orkester. Sveto, Mass. Jezik. The original Quoniam and Dona Nobis are included as appendices.
Prevod: Bariton T. C. Rog v F 1. Rog v F 2. Koncert marec. Koncert pas. Pihalna godba. Altovski saksofon 1. Bariton B. C.
Prevod: štiri roke. in klavir. by Shane Snedigar Text by Isaac Watts, 1674-1748. old. by William W. Phelps, 1792-1872. Zbor tipkovnico. Zbor. Orgle.
Prevod: Shane Snedigar. Zbor tipkovnico. Shane Snedigar. Zbor. Orgle. Načrt.
Prevod: 2222 4231 T 2P Org ad lib. Rog v F-I. Rog v F-III. Str. GRAHAM Garton. Zbor. Bas pozavna. Fagota I. Zbor. Klarinet v A.
Prevod: Rog v F. Orkester. Harmonika. Fagot. Klarinet v Bb. Kontrabas. Evfonij. Flavta. Oboo.
Prevod: Flavta. Violet. Fagot.
Prevod: Majhno. Flavta. Oboo. Angleški rog. Klarinet. Fagot. Tenor saksofon. Bariton saksofon.
Prevod: Pozavna.
Prevod: translated from Italian to English by Richard F. Littledale in The People’s Hymnal, 1867. Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Prevod: It's You - Flute 2. It's You - Clarinet in Eb. It's You - Clarinet in Bb 1. It's You - Clarinet in Bb 2.
Prevod: Various. Vesele žene Windsorske, Arr. s Mertz. Elite Guitar inštruktor. By Arling Shaeffer. Various. Kitara solo.
Prevod: & orchestrated by Patrick Bouchon. Zbor orkester. Patrick Bouchon. 2 klarineti BB. 2 Oboes. 2 Tenor Pozavne.
Prevod: Zbor orkester. Patrick Bouchon. 2 Bassoons. 2 klarineti BB. 2 Flutes.
Prevod: Rog v F. Zbor. Pozavna. Trobenta v Bb.
Prevod: Bariton T.C. Rog v F 1, 2. Rt F 3, 4. Koncert pas. Pihalna godba. Lukas Borek. Bariton B.C. Bas klarinet v Bb.