Prevod: If your eyes were half as bright, they still would light my way. Sheet Music Franka Sinatre. Alfred Publishing Co.. Angleščina.
Prevod: I was born beside this river about half a mile from here. Civil War. Tracy Lawrence. Alfred Publishing Co.. Angleščina. Solero.
Prevod: Frank Sinatra, Harry Haag James. Arthur Altman. Jack Lawrence. Hal Leonard. Angleščina. Solero. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem.
Prevod: Neapelj. Uredil Frank Simon. Trobenta notno B-Flat. Organski note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Napoli v sestavi Herman Bellstedt.
Prevod: Štiri Božič Vinjete. Štiri božične Vinjete sestavljene Frank Halferty. Flavta note. 3 flavte. Božič. 4. stopnje. KN.14375.
Prevod: Ameriški Patrol. Ameriška patrulja v sestavi Frank W. Meacham. Pozavna note. Za pozavno Quartet. Izdala Advance Glasba.
Prevod: Others come from the latter half of the 19th century and from the turn-of-the-century era that produced the precursors of jazz.
Prevod: Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole in njihov kot so navdih glasbeniki po vsem svetu. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Z različnimi.
Prevod: Fingerboard obvladanje. Sestavljajo ga Frank Potenza in Nick Stoubis. Lestvice in arpeggios Book Two. Kitara note. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Frank Bridge - Radical In Conservative. Knjiga.
Prevod: Frank Morgan Collection. Frank Morgan Collection Frank Morgan. Saksofon note. Za saksofon. Izvajalec transkripcije.
Prevod: C Instrument note. Klavir note. Vmesna. Svinčeni listi za 57 skladb. Z Milesom Davisom. Za C Instruments, Melody.
Prevod: Despite this, time forged a mutual respect, with Dylan even, perhaps half-jokingly, claiming he was merely a "song and dance man".
Prevod: Piano, Vocal. PVG. Their influence never fades. It can be heard today in the new wave of jazz artists now achieving commercial success.
Prevod: Govor. Polna Ocena. Orkester. Trevor Bray.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Music and Lyrics za 100 standardov iz zlate dobe ameriške Song. Z različnimi. Za klavir.
Prevod: Improvizacija preprostejše. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Improvizacija preprostejše. Za električno kitaro. Umetnik.
Prevod: Frankie in Johnny. Electric Guitar note. Fingerpicking Guitar note. Flatpicking Guitar note. Guitar Solo note. Napredno. Za kitaro.