Prevod: Mala morska deklica. Howard Ashman. Hal Leonard, Walt Disney Music Publishing. Legacy. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem.
Prevod: Božične pesmi iz številnih držav. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Mi Three Kings Of Orienta. Lullaby Of Mary. Zbor note.
Prevod: Lyric Book. Fool na Hill. 4 Seasons of Loneliness. Kako globoka je Your Love. Joy to the World.
Prevod: Evangelij je Greatest. Namestite Battle of Jericho. Lily Of The Valley. Turn Your Eyes ob Jezusu. Bond Of Love.
Prevod: Evangelij je Greatest. Bond Of Love. Champion Of Love. Družina Of God. Zbogom, World, Goodbye.
Prevod: Poroka. Jesu, Joy of Man želji,. Keeper of the Stars. Kaj Wonderful World. 'Til The End of Time.
Prevod: Ultimate Pop. Barve Of The Wind. All Around The World. All Out Of Love. Angel Of The Morning.