Prevod: Folksong Fake Book - C Edition. Teči, Otroci, Run. Vojak, Soldier, Will You Marry Me. Kmalu Ah Will Be Done.
Prevod: V Fiddlers Fakebook. Iron Man. Malo Rabbit. Run, Johnny, Run. Run, Johhny, Run B. Gosli note.
Prevod: Banjo Picker je Fake Book. Run Run Johnny. Malo Rabbit. Run Run Johnny. Iron Man. David Brody.
Prevod: Vzemi denar in Run. Various. Easy Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Easy Guitar Tab Bele Strani sestavljene z Various. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Kitara note. C Instrument note. Organski note. Klavir note. Začetek.
Prevod: Phillips Collection of Traditional ameriški dren Tunes Vol 1. Čekinjast Run. Skokov Rabbit. Run Run Johnny.