Prevod: Trijumfirajući pesmi. Trijumfirajući Song sestavljena Allen Pote. Hopa All-Time Najbolj prodajani Zborovske serije.
Prevod: Prvi Solo Songbook. For Trombone, Baritone B.C., Bassoon, Electric Bass. Voziček Song. Voziček Song.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. All Your Love. Blues For My Baby. Lemon Song. Various. Klavir note. Začetek. Melody.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. Do That To Me One More Time. I Do It For You. Rock. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: Riddle Song. Song Of The Volga Boatman. Mornarji Hornpipe. Greg Koch. Kitara note. Samo knjiga. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Alfred je Basic Guitar Method, Book 1. Četrtletje Rest. Bohemian Folk Song. Bicycle Built for Two. Riddle Song.
Prevod: Blues pesmi. Electric Guitar note. All Your Love. Let The Good Times Roll. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. Poglej sestrica. Poglej sestrica. Klasične Blues, Vol. 2. Klasične Blues, Vol. 2 za kitaro. Blues.
Prevod: Electric Guitar note. O Come All Ye Faithful. Božič Song. Jack Wilkins. Za kitaro. Vse. Skupaj. Mixed. Mel Bay Records.
Prevod: Alfred je Basic Rock Guitar Method, Book 1. Electric Guitar note. Electric Guitar. Četrtletje Rest. Easy Guitar note.
Prevod: Ameriški All-Time najljubše pesmi za Boga in državo. Electric Guitar note. Daj mi Old Time Religion. Various.