Prevod: Modern Metoda za kitaro - Jazz Songbook, Vol. 1. V Sentimental Mood. Very Thought of You. Very Thought of You. Larry Baione.
Prevod: Prostornina 42 - Blues v vseh tipk. Prostornina 42 - Blues v vseh tipk, sestavljene Jamey Aebersold. Jamey Aebersold.
Prevod: Desetletje, ki jih Decade 1970. Greatest Love Of All. Tema od poletja '42. od All in the Family. Dan Coates. Začetek.
Prevod: Blues v vseh Keys.
Prevod: Complete Clawhammer Banjo Knjiga. 42-funt Check. Frost Is All Over. Cvetje v Edinburghu. 5-String Banjo note. Vmesna.
Prevod: Mammoth Collection Ryan je za violino Tunes. Praties so postavljeni, in Frost Is All Over Jig. All Go - Roll.
Prevod: Front panel five-step LED metering for all inputs, including ADAT and S. PDIF, offers accurate viewing of all levels.