Prevod: Brian McKnight. All you do is tell me lies. You didn't think that I would catch you. Angleščina.
Prevod: Brian McKnight , Rodney Jerkins , Fred Jerkins , Jeannie Mason , LaShawn Daniels. Hal Leonard. Angleščina. 0-7692-9310-7.
Prevod: Brian McKnight, Brandon Barnes. Do you ever think about me. Hal Leonard, Universal. Angleščina. 0-7692-9310-7.
Prevod: Thinking back when we first met, I remember what you said And I'm not letting go till you hold me, mold me.
Prevod: Sunday night, two weeks past, the last time I saw your face Are you lonely for me. Hal Leonard, Universal. Angleščina. Načrt.
Prevod: It's been too long since last I saw your face Do you want me anything like I want you. Hal Leonard, Universal. Načrt.
Prevod: Smash Pop Hits - Flavta. Kot Long As You Love Me. I Will Remember You. Kot Long As You Love Me.
Prevod: Kot Long As You Love Me. Kot Long As You Love Me. Vedel sem, da Loved You. You cenijo.
Prevod: Brian McKnight. Various. Klavir note. Tipkovnica Igraj-Along zvezek 5. Z različnimi. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Igrajo skupaj.
Prevod: Fred Hammond - Nekaj '' Bout ljubezen. Ljubil na Me. Kako You Love That Way. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Načrt.
Prevod: Stranka Tyme Karaoke.