Prevod: The letters give the impression of an idealist at work. payment for both his services and the materials is erratic.
Prevod: Michael Jackson This Is It. Man in the Mirror. Man In The Mirror. Michael Jackson. Easy Piano note.
Prevod: Michael Jackson This Is It. Man in the Mirror. Man In The Mirror. Michael Jackson. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: I Love Paris. Walk on the Wild Side. Dimming Of The Day. I'm Walking Behind You. Če I Never Knew You.
Prevod: Michael Jackson - History. Preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost, Book 1. Michael Jackson. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note.
Prevod: Lyrics. V From The Storm. Soba polna Mirrors.
Prevod: Moji spomini vas. Smoke in Mirrors. Wendy Lands. Voice Solo note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Moji spomini vas. 16 Izbrane pesmi.
Prevod: Zvezek IV - Real Book. Ne veš, da sem Care. Across The Alley From The Alamo. Man With The Horn.
Prevod: Best Rock Pop Fake Book. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. I Saw Her Standing obstaja. I Will Survive.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition. Beauty and the Beast. I Dreamed a Dream. I Wanna Be Producent.
Prevod: Groovin "z Grimms. Mark Burrows. Zbor note. Groovin "z Grimms sestavljene Mark Burrows. Za dvojnim zbor. Knjiga in uspešnost. LO.30-2182H.
Prevod: Vse, kar je za Cerkev Solist. I. I Saw Gospoda, in vse Poleg tega je bil Darkness. I Want Jezus hodi z menoj.
Prevod: Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. I Wanna Be Producent. Alone At The Drive-In Movie.