Prevod: Štiri Playford Dances. 3 kitare. Darling, Toby. Holyrood-Day. Fourpence half-peny farthing.
Prevod: Solero. Štiri-del Mixed Chorus.
Prevod: Thomas Morley. Novato Music Press. Angleščina. Solero. Štiri-del Mixed Chorus.
Prevod: Giles Farnaby. Novato Music Press. Štiri-del Mixed Chorus.
Prevod: Dodatni Songbook za knjige 1 Hal Leonard Bass metodo. Z različnimi. Za Bass. Bass Method.
Prevod: Ko sem Sixty-Four. Got To Get You Into My Life. Ko sem Sixty-Four. Easy Music Электронная клавиатура. The Beatles.
Prevod: Burst forth my tears. Can she excuse my wrongs. If my complaints. Invitation To The Partsong - Book Six.
Prevod: Lennon. Lady Madonna. Ko sem Sixty-Four. Violina note. Začetek. Lennon.
Prevod: Gospa Hunssdon je Puffe. Akustična kitara note. Klasična kitara note. Moja gospa Hunssdon je Puffe sestavljajo John Dowland. Guitar Quartet.
Prevod: Best of The Beatles za rog. Got To Get You Into My Life. Martha My Dear. Ko sem Sixty-Four. The Beatles. Horn note.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Oh Kadar Oh, kadar je My Little Dog Gone. Ena, dva Buckle My Shoe. Big Book of Nursery Rhymes. Various.
Prevod: The Beatles za klasični klavir. 15 edinstvenih ureditev Fab Four priljubljene, vključno. Ko sem Sixty-Four.
Prevod: Pevca Library of Musical Theatre - Vol. 2. My Own Best Friend. Nekaj od My Own. My Cousin in Milwaukee.
Prevod: Ko sem Sixty-Four. Piano Solo note. The Beatles Piano Solos - 2. izdaja z John Lennon, Paul McCartney, in The Beatles. Za klavir.
Prevod: Lady Madonna. Martha My Dear. Ko sem Sixty-Four. Medtem ko My Guitar Gently joka. The Beatles. Flavto solo note.
Prevod: Lady Madonna. Martha My Dear. Ko sem Sixty-Four. Medtem ko My Guitar Gently joka. The Beatles. Začetek.