Prevod: Božič v pesmi. Angeli, From The Realms of Glory. Daj no, vse ve Otroci. Oh, kako Veselo. Voice note. Zbor note.
Prevod: Backpocket Old Čas Song Book.
Prevod: 1950. Rock Around the Clock. Bom Drown In My Tears. Lonesome Town. Just Walking In The Rain.
Prevod: no tablature - lyrics. Blood On The Saddle. My Darling Pretty. Oh, My Darling.
Prevod: Zakladnica Himne in duhovnih. All Hail The Power Of Jezusovem imenu. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God.
Prevod: Mir na zemlji. Carol Of The Bagpipers. Od kod Art Thou My Maiden. From Out The Deep Woods Cuckoo Flew. Oh.
Prevod: New York Town. Why Oh Why. Ladja, ki pluje In The Sky. Woody Guthrie. Voice note. Akustična kitara note. Začetek.
Prevod: Velika Hvalnice vere. - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient dni - in lahko sem se, da sem ramen Gain.
Prevod: After the ball Air from Suite No 3 All people that on earth do dwell Ave Maria. Instrumenti C. Instrumenti C. C INST.
Prevod: Krogi za otroke. Daj no, poj vesel krogu Oglejmo. Slišati živahno Songs Of The Frogs. Oh, daj Hvala. Various.
Prevod: Glasba za snemalnik - Svetovni najljubši št 50. My Wild Irish Rose. Podaj Me Down My Walking Cane. Oh.
Prevod: All the Tunes You've Ever Wanted to Play Book 2, C Instruments for C instrument. Waltz From 'The Merry Widow'.
Prevod: Seznanjena cevovodov. Home on the Range. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Oh mestece iz Betlehema. Dude note.
Prevod: Lyric Knjižnica - Broadway zvezek I. Ne Rain on My Parade. My Funny Valentine. No Other Ljubezen.
Prevod: Klavirskih skladb za odrasle začetnike. Air On The G String. Orchestral Suite No.3 V D. Ave Maria Op.52 No.6.
Prevod: 1950. Lonesome Town. Learnin "The Blues. Just Walking In The Rain. The Wallflower. I Almost Lost My Mind.
Prevod: On Vodil me. Oh Happy Day. Oh, ne boste usedli. On se uporabijo svojo čredo. Nothing But the Blood.