Prevod: Digitalni Sheet Music. Piano, Vocal. Right Hand Melody. Alvin in veverički. Squeakquel. Film.
Prevod: Znan za hit singla "I Kissed a Girl" in "Hot N Cold" Katy Perry spet počne z "Waking Up in Vegas. Voice note.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. Original Sheet Music Edition. Za klavir. Vocal.
Prevod: Hot N Cold Katy Perry. Klavir note. Max Martin in Lukasz Gottwald. 3 strani. HX.128018.
Prevod: Hot N Cold Katy Perry. Klavir note. 2 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard - Digitalna glasbena partitura. HX.139783.
Prevod: Hot N Cold Katy Perry. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Max Martin in Lukasz Gottwald. Vocal.
Prevod: 10 za 10 Sheet Music Modern Rock. Easy Piano note. Piano Solo note. Začetek.
Prevod: 2009 Greatest Pop. Hot N Cold. Katy Perry. Katy Perry. Hot N Cold. Carol Matz.
Prevod: 8 največjih hitov Katy je. Hot N Cold. Hot N Cold. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.
Prevod: 2009 Greatest Pop. Hot N Cold. Katy Perry. Katy Perry. Hot N Cold. Dan Coates.
Prevod: Katy Perry - One of the Boys, ki jih Katy Perry. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note. Za klavir.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.
Prevod: 2008 Pop. Hot N Cold. Katy Perry. Katy Perry. Hot N Cold. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: Današnji Greatest Pop. Band Perry. Christina Perri.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. 2000-2009 Best Pop Songs z različnimi. Za klavir. Vocal.
Prevod: 2000-2009 Best Pop in Film Hits. Hot N Cold. Katy Perry. Katy Perry. Hot N Cold.
Prevod: Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Hot N Cold sestavljajo Katy Perry, Lukasz Gottwald, in Max Martin. Razred 2. Urejene po Doug Adams. 122 strani.