Prevod: Galski Blessing.
Prevod: Daj naše glede na Broadway. Lot Of Livin 'Ali. Ne Rain on My Parade. Če bi My Friends See Me Now. Teena Chinn.
Prevod: Maggie My Side. May the Red Rose Live Alway. Art Thou My Queen of Song. Stephen Foster. Klavir note.
Prevod: Her work emphasizes the idea that lively music always allows for change and variation - it must in order to survive. Harp note.
Prevod: Songs Of Stephen Foster, ki jih sestavlja Stephen Foster. Maggie By My Side. Song Of All Songs. Stephen Foster.
Prevod: 15 Solos For harfo. Zvezek 1.
Prevod: Film Music Hits. Battle of Heroes. Dancing Queen. Out Here On My Own. Take My Breath Away.
Prevod: Pop. Dancing Queen. Greatest Love of All. Kako globoka je Your Love. My Immortal.
Prevod: Bistvena Home Knjižnica Series, zvezek 5. Če bi lahko Read My Mind. Ali je mogoče, sem Falling in Love.
Prevod: Queen Queen. Need Your Loving Tonight. Seven Seas Of Rhye. Kind Of Magic. Kitara note. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Kings. Jaz Cross My Heart. Jaz Cross My Heart. Dan Coates. Easy Piano note. Piano Solo note. Začetek. Kings.
Prevod: Akustična kitara note. Klasična kitara note. s Simfoničnim orkestrom Lara. Sestavljajo ga Carlos Bonell. 1949 -. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Celotna Ukulele Player Songbook 2.
Prevod: 1980. Got My Mind Set On You. Are Made of This. Angel Of The Morning. Will You Still Love Me.
Prevod: Broadway Musicals Prikaži ga Show, 1989-2005. Living In The Shadows. Seasons Of Love. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: Več pesmi Best Broadway Ever. Phantom of the Opera. Think Of Me. Brotherhood Of Man. Phantom Of The Opera.