Prevod: "At a Department of Defense news briefing on February 12, 2002, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked. Cappella. Jezik.
Prevod: During almost two years of working on it, I completed this extensive composition in 2013. Bruno Vlahek. Sacred oratorij.
Prevod: Pesem zahvalni dan in Pohvale. Thomas Fettke. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Pesem zahvalni dan in Pohvale. Za lepoto Zemlje.
Prevod: Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. ki ga sestavljajo Jan Garrett. Urejen Larry Nickel. Za SAB zbor in klavir. Osma.
Prevod: With additional new lyrics, rich harmony, and lilting cadence, it is a joyful rendering. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Zbor note.
Prevod: Wade v vodo. Neznan. Bariton Voice note. Bass Voice note. Tenor Voice note. Vmesna. Wade In The Water composed by Unknown.
Prevod: Blame It na Boogie, ki jih Jacksons. David Jackson-Rich. - Digital Sheet Music. SATB zbor Piano. SATB zbor. Mac Huff. 14.
Prevod: Blame It na Boogie, ki jih Jacksons. David Jackson-Rich. - Digital Sheet Music. 2-del zbor Piano. 2-Part zbor. Mac Huff. 14.
Prevod: Blame It na Boogie, ki jih Jacksons. David Jackson-Rich. - Digital Sheet Music. SAB zbor Piano. SAB zbor. Mac Huff. 14.
Prevod: Dvanajst afriških Pesmi za solo glas in klavir - 4. It alludes to ripe fruits ready for harvest, but only metaphorically. Osem.
Prevod: Aleluja!. Oba glasove in trobila prevzamejo miren, meditativen kakovost skupaj s solo postanki na orgle. Zborovska Ocena. Voice note.
Prevod: Za več informacij o Ola Gjeilo, preberite našo poglobljena intervjuja s skladateljem.
Prevod: Out Of The South prihaja vihar.
Prevod: Kot Joseph Je-hoja.
Prevod: Iz plemenitih mesta.
Prevod: Afriško-ameriški Duhovna. Bariton Voice note. Bass Voice note. Tenor Voice note. Vmesna. Uredil Donald A. Mills. aka Beachtanned.
Prevod: Wade v vodo. Bariton Voice note. Bass Voice note. Tenor Voice note. Vmesna. Uredil Donald A. Mills. aka Beachtanned.
Prevod: Jubilate Deo je napisal junija 2002, in posvetil je skladatelj s svojim ansamblom Vocale calycanthus. Zbor note. Za SSAATTBB zbor.