Prevod: Svoboda Pridi. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Cappella note. Tolkala note. Vmesna. Za SSAA zbor. cappella.
Prevod: Svoboda Pridi. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Cappella note. Tolkala note. Vmesna. Za SATB zbor. cappella.
Prevod: Svoboda Pridi. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Cappella note. Tolkala note. Vmesna. Za TTBB zbor. cappella.
Prevod: Vacant Predsednik. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Trobenta notno B-Flat. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Vmesna.
Prevod: Contest pesmi za tenor bas zbora. Battle Cry of Freedom. Santa Lucia. Zbiranje. Patti DeWitt. Cappella note. Zbiranje.
Prevod: It was first published in 1867 as part of a compilation of slave songs edited by George H. Allen. Tradicionalni.
Prevod: Snemalnik Tune knjiga, Žepna knjiga Deluxe Series. Crawdad Song. Santa Lucia. Battle Cry of Freedom. Začetek.
Prevod: Tin Whistle Tune Knjiga. Santa Lucia. Battle Cry of Freedom. Rose Of Tralee. Tam je River Of Life.
Prevod: Violina Tune knjiga, Žepna knjiga Deluxe Series. Crawdad Song. Santa Lucia. Battle Cry of Freedom. William Bay.
Prevod: Flavta Tune knjiga, Žepna knjiga Deluxe Series. Crawdad Song. Santa Lucia. Battle Cry of Freedom. William Bay.
Prevod: Prazen stol - trobenta del. Izdala Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Trobenta notno B-Flat. Vmesna. Urejene po Ben Allaway.
Prevod: Dock Of The Bay. Best of My Love. Philadelphia Freedom. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note.
Prevod: Little Black Songbook ljudskih pesmi. Blue Bells of Scotland. Crawdad Song. House Of The Rising Sun. Oh Freedom.
Prevod: It Turn Up In It Lay Down - Denny je Mix. Zvezek 8.
Prevod: Banana Boat Song. Jesu, Joy of Man želji,. Toreador Song. Jesu, Joy of Man je v želji,. Banana Boat Song.
Prevod: Popoln božič Music Collection. Angeli iz Realms of Glory. Carol Of The Birds. Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy.
Prevod: Ultimate Song strani - Božič. Ultimate Song strani - Božič. Jesu, Joy of Man želji,. Santa Baby.
Prevod: Best of My Love. Santana. Annie Song. Pina Colada Song. Heart Of Gold. Moj Melody Of Love.