Prevod: Most čez Troubled Water. Simon and Garfunkel. Most čez Troubled Water, ki ga Simon and Garfunkel.
Prevod: Most čez Troubled Water. Simon and Garfunkel. By Simon and Garfunkel. Zbor note. Za zborovsko.
Prevod: Most čez Troubled Water. Simon.
Prevod: Simon and Garfunkel. Simon. For soprano, alto and baritone voices with piano accompaniment.
Prevod: Simon and Garfunkel. Most čez Troubled Water.
Prevod: Simon and Garfunkel. By Simon and Garfunkel. Klavir note. Vmesna. Easy Piano Edition. Za klavir.
Prevod: Puloverji. Simon and Garfunkel. Puloverji Simon And Garfunkel. Voice note. Akustična kitara note.