Prevod: Tukaj je nekaj mojih najljubših razlag te pesmi, courtesy of YouTube. Elizabeth Alexander. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.
Prevod: Tukaj je nekaj mojih najljubših razlag te pesmi, courtesy of YouTube. SSA. Elizabeth Alexander. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.
Prevod: On mi daje mir. Слава Sound. Izdala Glory Sound. Cindy Berry. Zbor note. On mi daje mir, sestavljeno s Cindy Berry. SATB.
Prevod: Pomagaj mi, Rhonda.
Prevod: Deluje Seveda ga Buck Owens. Ti me boš dal v filmih. Buck Owens in Buckaroos - Best of Buck Owens. Načrt. Pesem.
Prevod: Canyon Trail osvojil Hinda Honigman za Best Music Composition. Piano Metoda note. Piano Solo note. Vmesna. Za klavir. Vmesna.
Prevod: "Včeraj" in druge klasične pop balade.
Prevod: Pričati. Vodi me, Gospod. Ni me sram. Dajanje My Best. Zborovska Book. Michael Frazier. Zbor note. Začetek. Pričati.
Prevod: The Very Best Scottish Songs. The Very Best Scottish Songs. Duke of Argyll. Various. Kitara note. Lyrics.
Prevod: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Država in Nashville Sound. Država in Nashville Sound. Blue Moon Of Kentucky. Voice note. Big Note.
Prevod: Just the Way You Are. Lean on Me. Lean On Me. Just The Way You Are. Various. Klasična kitara note.
Prevod: Lullaby of berač otroka. Erkki Melartin. Piano Solo note. Sad Garden 1 Op. 52 sestavljajo Erkki Melartin. 1875-1937. Za klavir.
Prevod: Best Of Patsy Cline - Easy Guitar. Best Of Patsy Cline - Easy Guitar s Patsy Cline. You Belong To Me.
Prevod: Complete organov Player. Hvalijo mojo dušo The King Of Heaven. Rock Of Ages. King Of Love My Shepherd. Orgle.
Prevod: Pričati. Vodi me, Gospod. Ni me sram. Dajanje My Best. CD Preview Pack. Michael Frazier. Zbor note. Začetek. Pričati.
Prevod: Interludes za orgle. Sweet Hour Of Prayer. Pass Me Not O Gentle Odrešenika. Dale Wood. Orgle solo note. Vmesna. Za orgle.
Prevod: Popular Performer - Great American Songbook, Book 1. Best Hits iz Brezčasna tekstopisci. Nekdo to Watch Over Me. Napredno.
Prevod: In the Mood. Just the Way You Are. Barve Of The Wind. Call Me Neodgovorno. Chariots of Fire.