Prevod: Vas spomnimo. Digitalni Sheet Music. Lyrics. LC. --.
Prevod: Vas spomnimo. Vas spomnimo, Steven Curtis Chapman. Zbor note. Uredil Alan Billingsleya. Za zborovsko. SATB.
Prevod: Steven Curtis Chapman, Caleb Chapman. Zgodbe iz Narnije. Walt Disney Movie. Hal Leonard. Legacy. Načrt. Vocal.
Prevod: Vas spomnimo. CD samo - no note. Visoko Voice note. Nizka Voice note. Srednje Voice note. Voice Solo note. Vas spomnimo. CD samo - no note.
Prevod: Vas spomnimo. Vas spomnimo, Steven Curtis Chapman. Visoko Voice note. Nizka Voice note. Srednje Voice note. Visoko.
Prevod: I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking Remember your chains, remember the prison that once held you. Solero.
Prevod: Steven Curtis Chapman, ki jih Steven Curtis Chapman. Love You s My Life. Kitara note.