Prevod: Guitar Svet Magazine oktober 2014. Poster Photo Tribute to Stevie Ray št 1 kitaro. Kitara note. 162 strani.
Prevod: Life Without You. Life Without You. Guitar tablature note. Kitara Igraj-Along DVD zvezek 43. Za kitaro. Guitar tablature.
Prevod: Značilnosti 8 klasika iz konca blues legenda Stevie Ray Vaughan. Guitar tablature note. Za kitaro. Izdala Hal Leonard.
Prevod: Jim Kelly Guitar Workshop. Kitara note. Jim Kelly Guitar Workshop za kitaro. Pedagoško. Kitara. DVD. Izdala Berklee Press.
Prevod: Teach Yourself Guitar Tone in učinkov. Stevie Ray Vaughan Sound. Easy Guitar note. Za kitaro. Knjiga. CD.
Prevod: Sky je Crying. Nebo joče Stevie Ray Vaughan. Close To You. Electric Guitar note. Vmesna.
Prevod: Kitara Igraj-Along DVD zvezek 32. The Guitar Play Along DVD series lets you hear and see how to play songs.
Prevod: Berklee Delavnica. Jim Kelly Guitar Workshop. Regija 0.
Prevod: Ali veste, kaj to pomeni za Miss New Orleans. Ne moremo si privoščiti, da to storite. Oh, Where Can You Be.
Prevod: eMedia Rock Guitar Collection - 2 Volume Set z bonus DVD.