Prevod: Hvalnice veliča. I Love povedati zgodbo. All Hail The Power Of Jezusovem imenu. I Sing mogočne moči Boga. James Koerts.
Prevod: I Shall Wear krono. Child Of The King. Master Of The Wind. I Go To The Rock. Peace in the Valley.
Prevod: Jezus je Sweetest Name I Know. Nothing But the Blood. Lily Of The Valley. I Am, namenjenih v obljubljeni deželi.
Prevod: Folksong Fake Book - C Edition. Home on the Range. House of the Rising Sun. Ring Around The Rosey.
Prevod: Evangelij je Greatest. Dan Nosil My Crown. Jezus je Sweetest Name I Know. Lily Of The Valley. This Is The Day.
Prevod: Evangelij je Greatest. Aleluja To The Lamb. Beyond The Sunset. Dan Nosil My Crown. God Bless The USA.
Prevod: Real Mali Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition. Beauty and the Beast. I Dreamed a Dream. I Wanna Be Producent.
Prevod: Touch Of The magistrski roki. I Go To The Rock. Dan Nosil My Crown. This Is The Day. I.O.U. Me.
Prevod: Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. I Wanna Be Producent. Alone At The Drive-In Movie.
Prevod: Južna Gospel Song Book. Nothing But the Blood. Crown Njega King. I Shall Wear krono. Child Of The King.
Prevod: Folk Songs Severna Amerika poje. Vse The Pretty Little Konji. Ring Around The Rosie. Star Of The East.