Prevod: Hvalnice. Kruh Of The World. Sem Soldier Of The Cross. Bodite My Life in Let It Be.
Prevod: Great Gospel - Pesmi in psalmi. - America - America The Beautiful - Are You Oprana v krvi. Sem Soldier Of The Cross.
Prevod: Velika Hvalnice vere. - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient dni - in lahko sem se, da sem ramen Gain.
Prevod: Hvalnice za družino Boga. Kako Sweet Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, dediščina - in je mogoče, da bi jaz Gain.
Prevod: Himna Book. Nothing But the Blood. Lily Of The Valley. A Child Of The King. All The Way My Odrešenik me vodi.
Prevod: 150 Rounds za petje in poučevanju. Na poletni Morn. Margery, služil tudi The Black sejati. Edward Bolkavec. Voice note.
Prevod: Easy Himna Fake Book. Be Thou My Vision. Nothing But the Blood. All The Way My Odrešenik me vodi.
Prevod: Himna Fake Book - C Edition. Nothing But the Blood. Lily Of The Valley. A Child Of The King. Kruh Of The World.
Prevod: Popolne verske Suites. II. Be Thou My Vision. III. Ko Morning Gilds nebo. I. Take My Life in Let It Be.
Prevod: Trgovina. Domov The romarsko. Coronation Anthem številka 4, Let treba okrepiti tvoje roke - 1. Različica 2.0. Voice note.