Prevod: Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me. Stephen L. Lawrence. Voice note. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me.
Prevod: Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me. Stephen L. Lawrence. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me. Osma.
Prevod: Justinguitar.
Prevod: 99 New Musical igre. Tricky Tongue Twisters. Glasba Sudoku I. 99 New Musical igre. za glasbene skupine vseh starosti.
Prevod: Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me. - Perf. Sokrivec CD. Stephen L. Lawrence. Upam, da učitelj ne bo Call on Me. - Perf. Koncert, Novost.
Prevod: I Guess Things Happen That Way. I Walk The Line. Fred Sokolow. Electric Guitar note. Fingerpicking Guitar note. Vmesna.
Prevod: Irving Berlin Songbook. Electric Guitar note. Fingerpicking Guitar note. Vmesna. Irving Berlin Songbook. Ureditev kitare. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Joy UKE - zvezek 2. Made You Me Love You. Ukulele note. Joy UKE - zvezek 2. Moving Beyond the Basics. Za ukulele. DVD.
Prevod: Pesmi Jurija. , Strike Up The Band, Funny Face, Show Girl, Girl Crazy and Of Thee I Sing.
Prevod: Jazz standardi za začetnike. Regija 0.