Prevod: Sedemdeseta s kančkom. Last Dance. One Less Bell Odgovor. Mešano. Mac Huff. Zbor note. Sedemdeseta s kančkom. Mešano.
Prevod: 1960. Odhodom na Jet Plane. Posvečena One I Love. Save the Last Dance for Me. Twist. 1960.
Prevod: 60-ih. Odhodom na Jet Plane. Twist. Twist and Shout. C Instrument note. 60-ih. Paperback Songs.
Prevod: Dokončna Rock 'n' Roll Collection - altovski saksofon. Twist. Posvečena One I Love. Let The Good Times Roll. Začetek.
Prevod: Zgodnje Hits Rock. Odhodom na Jet Plane. Oglejmo Twist Spet. Šminka na vašem Collar. Oglejmo Twist Spet. Various. Voice note.
Prevod: Tri Chord Songs. Sveča v vetru. Twist. Twist and Shout. Kitara note. Tri Chord Pesmi ki ga sestavljajo Various. Za kitaro.
Prevod: Piano Solo note. Napredno.
Prevod: Pesmi držav. Dol pri Twist and Shout. Koli Old Time. Navzdol na Twist And Shout. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: Tri Chord Songs. Time For Me To Fly. Twist. Various. Klavir note. Three Chord Songs by Various.
Prevod: Big Book of Celofan pesmi. Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last.
Prevod: Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last. Time After Time. Za flavto.
Prevod: Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last. Time After Time.
Prevod: Lyric knjižnica. Let The Good Times Roll. Twist. Last Kiss. Zgodnje Rock 'N' Roll.
Prevod: Big Book of violina pesmi. Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last.
Prevod: Big Book of tenor saksofon pesmi. Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last.
Prevod: Big Book of Viola pesmi. Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last. Viola note.
Prevod: Big Book of Horn pesmi. Druga One Bites the Dust. Druga One Bites The Dust. Prihranite Best For Last. Horn note.