Prevod: Kvartet.
Prevod: Garden Path. Potovanje vere skozi senčnih dolinah in časih izziv. Zbor note. Garden Path. od Footprints v pesku. Za zborovsko.
Prevod: Shadow of Your Smile notno Tony Bennett. Sandpiper. EMI Music Publishing. Angleščina. Solero. Lead Sheet.
Prevod: Sundown, all around, walking through the summer's end. Rick Nowels, Ellen Shipley. Spirit Dve Glasba. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem.
Prevod: Shadow of Your Smile notno Tony Bennett. Sandpiper. EMI Music Publishing. Angleščina. Solero. Načrt. Vocal.
Prevod: You say the weather in Atlanta is foggy and gray We could walk barefoot through the warm, wet sand.
Prevod: Shadow of Your Smile notno Johnny Mandel. One day we walked along the sand, one day in early spring. Sandpiper.
Prevod: Stopinje v pesku, ki ga Leona Lewis. Si hodil z menoj, stopinje v pesku in mi je pomagal razumeti, kam grem. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara.
Prevod: Spirit Wind David Wilcox. Glas, razpon. Kitara, razpon.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. A3-A5. Backup vokal. MN0098129.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. F3, F5. Backup vokal. MN0098129_D4.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. D4-D6. Backup vokal. MN0098129_U5.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. C4-C6. Backup vokal. MN0098129_U3.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. Eb4-Eb6. Backup vokal. MN0098129_U6.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. G3, G5. Backup vokal. MN0098129_D2.
Prevod: All Your Life The Band Perry. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara. Singer Pro. Glas, razpon. Bb3-BB5. Backup vokal. MN0098129_U1.