Prevod: Digitalni Sheet Music.
Prevod: You And I, ki ga Wilco. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Alternative. Pop. Rock. HX.276997.
Prevod: You And I, ki ga Wilco. Easy Guitar note. Electric Guitar note. Alternative. Pop. Rock. Easy Guitar. 2 strani.
Prevod: s Wilco za kitaro solo.
Prevod: You And I jih Wilco in Wilco feat. Electric Guitar note. Pop. GTRCHD. 2 strani. HX.177982.
Prevod: Jaz sem Wheel. Jaz sem Wheel z Wilco. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Alternative. Pop. Rock. Guitar TAB. 6 strani.
Prevod: Jaz bi jo lahko Wilco. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Alternative. Pop. Rock. Guitar TAB. 12 strani. HX.276984.
Prevod: Dobil sem vas. z Wilco. Ob koncu stoletja. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Dobil sem vas. Ob koncu stoletja. Pop.
Prevod: Sem Man Who Loves You. Sem človek, ki te ljubi, ki ga Wilco. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Alternative. Pop.
Prevod: Vsakih 100 let - Woody Guthrie Centennial Songbook. I Hear You Sing enkrat. To jutro I Am ponovno rojeni. Za Melody.
Prevod: Wilco Guitar Zbiranje. Wilco Guitar Zbiranje jih Wilco. Sem Man Who Loves You. You And I.
Prevod: Wilco Songbook z Wilco. Pop Rock and Alternative Rock. Pop Rock and Alternative Rock. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note.
Prevod: Wilco Guitar Zbiranje. Guitar Posneto Različice.